Trinamool Congress led by West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has opened a front against TV channels. The party is accusing three channels of running an ‘anti-Bengal agenda’. Also, TMC has made it clear that party spokespersons will not be sent to these channels. Meanwhile, Bharatiya Janata Party has accused TMC of being against free speech.
TMC spokespersons will not go on these channels
TMC has decided not to send spokespersons to ABP Anand, Republic and TV9. The party wrote, ‘Due to the propaganda of constantly running anti-Bengal agenda, AITC has decided not to send its spokespersons to channels like ABP Anand, Republic and TV9. We understand that in view of the ongoing investigations and cases against their promoters and companies, they are compelled to please the landlords sitting in Delhi.’
The party further wrote, ‘We also request the people of West Bengal not to be mislead by people who reach these platforms as party supporters and sympathizers, as these are not authorized by the party and do not represent our official opinion.’ TMC said, ‘The people of Bengal have always rejected this anti-Bengali nexus and have always chosen the truth over propaganda.’
BJP surrounded
Meanwhile, BJP said, ‘TMC has always been dictatorial and opposed to free speech. The decision to boycott three popular channels in West Bengal, TV9, Republic and ABP Ananda, proves us right, but this decision is not the result of any principle, because Mamata Banerjee and her party do not have it. This is the result of failure to face the truth and growing frustration.’
The BJP’s Bengal unit said, ‘We saw how senior TMC leader and MP Dr Kakoli Dastidar made indecent remarks against female doctors and her son is abusing doctors.’
The BJP said, ‘The Trinamool Congress is afraid of the truth, but the truth can be disturbed, not defeated. The anti-Bengal Trinamool is harassing Bengalis and insulting West Bengal.’ The party alleged, ‘Today itself, 5-6 cases of rape and harassment have come to light. 48 hours before this, 7 cases were reported. Many of these are directly linked to TMC members.’
kolkata rape case
Protests are continuing over the rape incident in Kolkata’s RG Kar Hospital and College. Meanwhile, CM Mamata Banerjee is also being demanded to resign. On August 9, the body of a female doctor was found in the seminar hall of the college, who was raped and then murdered.