Ahead of his visit to Ukraine, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said India supports peace in the troubled region and reiterated that “this is not the era of war” and any conflict should be resolved through diplomacy and dialogue. Addressing the Indian community in the Polish capital, Prime Minister Modi said, “For decades, India’s policy was to keep distance from all countries. However, today India’s policy is to stay close to all countries.” Addressing the people, the Prime Minister said, “There are many similarities in the societies of India and Poland. One big similarity is democracy… The people of India have unwavering faith in democracy. We have seen this faith in the recent elections as well… We Indians know how to live and celebrate diversity. That is why we easily mingle in every society…”
“India is a supporter of lasting peace in the region. Our stand is very clear – this is not the era of war. This is the time to come together against challenges that threaten humanity. Therefore, India believes in diplomacy and dialogue,” he said amid chants of ‘Modi-Modi’. His remarks came ahead of his visit to Kiev, the first by an Indian prime minister to the country since Ukraine gained independence in 1991.
Prime Minister Modi is visiting Ukraine at the invitation of President Volodymyr Zelensky. Modi said that he will share his views on a peaceful solution to the conflict with the Ukrainian leader. Modi’s visit to Kiev is taking place nearly six weeks after his visit to Moscow. Modi’s Moscow visit was criticized by the US and some of its Western allies.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing an Indian community event in Warsaw, said, “After 45 years, an Indian Prime Minister has visited Poland… There are many countries where no Indian Prime Minister has visited for decades. But now the circumstances are different. For decades, India’s policy was to maintain equal distance from all countries. Today India’s policy is to maintain equal closeness with all countries…” He said, “When a massive earthquake struck Gujarat 2 decades ago, Jamnagar was also hit by it. Poland was then one of the first countries to reach out for help… India is going to start the Jamsa Memorial Youth Action Program…”
Modi said, “Today’s India wants to connect with everyone. Today’s India talks about everyone’s development. Today’s India is with everyone and thinks about everyone’s interests.” Modi said that if any country faces a crisis, India is the first to extend a helping hand. He said, “If there is an earthquake or any disaster anywhere in the world, India has only one mantra – humanity first.”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “Whenever any country in the world faces a crisis, India is the first country to extend a helping hand… When Covid came, India said ‘humanity first’… India is the land of Buddha’s legacy which talks of peace, not war… This is not the era of war. This is the time to unite to deal with the challenges that pose the greatest threat to humanity. That is why India is emphasizing on diplomacy and dialogue.”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi further said, “In the last ten years, we have built more than 300 new medical colleges in India. In the last ten years, medical seats in India have doubled. In these ten years, we have added 75,000 new seats to the medical system. In the coming 5 years, we are aiming to add 75,000 more new seats to the medical system… The day is not far when we will tell the world that ‘Heal in India’…”