Unidentified thieves posing as a underwear-vest gang made away with goods worth lakhs from a house and a college in Malegaon of Maharashtra’s Nashik district late last night. The victims have alleged that the thieves stole gold worth five lakhs from a house and bananas from the college campus. This act of the thieves has been captured on CCTV. In the footage, they can be seen wearing underwear and vests. In a similar incident in Malegaon last week, thieves entered residential areas wearing gowns and fled after stealing money from a temple’s donation box.
In the CCTV footage, the thieves can be seen roaming around the house and college premises. The thieves are wearing underwear. Four thieves are seen in the footage. One of them is also seen opening the door. This alleged ‘underwear’ gang broke into a house and a college and stole about 70 grams of gold (worth about Rs 5 lakh) and bananas. This act of the thieves has spread panic among the people of the area.
The ‘underwear’ gang’s threat in Malegaon comes shortly after the thefts committed by the ‘gown’ gang. That gang was seen dressed as women. Most of them were caught on camera wearing gowns. These thieves targeted several houses in residential areas of Malegaon last week. The thieves also stole money from the donation box of a temple.
Let us tell you that the ‘Chaddi Baniyan’ gang has already committed incidents of theft and attack in many parts of the country. These thieves often commit crimes wearing vests and underwear. Many times they also carry sharp weapons to scare people. However, it is not clear whether the criminals who committed this kind of theft in Malegaon are really from this gang, or have disguised themselves to confuse and scare people. Local residents are demanding immediate action from the police to curb these thefts. The police have started investigation in the matter.