In order to trap the candidates appearing in UP Police Constable Recruitment Examination, the fraudsters have even claimed to leak the paper on social media. It has been claimed that the paper will be made available some time before the examination on 23rd August. Five to ten thousand rupees have been demanded for this. Police Recruitment Board Chairman Rajiv Krishna has also alerted the STF on such cases coming to light. STF has also started its investigation. Board Chairman Rajiv Krishna has appealed to the candidates not to fall into such traps.
A group named UP Police 2024- Re-Exam Paper has been created on Telegram. The first message in it came on August 12, in which it was written that there is no need to take tension, I will give the paper to you people, no matter how I give it, just keep your admit card ready. It is also written that first a copy of your admit card will be taken from you, only after that you people will get the PDF of the paper according to your batch. After this message, many candidates have sent messages on this group, demanding money from them and asking them to download the admit card by sending a link. Suddenly this group was deleted and then another group with a similar name started appearing on Telegram. In this, it was written as the first message that due to some people the old channel had to be deleted, now the paper will be available on this.
it’s all totally fake
Police Recruitment Board Chairman Rajiv Krishna said that many such groups have been created. As soon as the information was received, STF was alerted. Candidates should not fall into this trap. Those who created the groups are being traced. Meanwhile, two STF teams are also keeping an eye. DGP has also alerted the police chiefs of all the districts. In the investigation so far, it has turned out to be a fraud.