Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday announced that one lakh youth will be recruited in the state police in the next two years. In his address at the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) meeting and membership workshop in Varanasi on Sunday, Yogi said that one lakh youth will be recruited in the Uttar Pradesh Police in the next two years. Apart from this, two lakh youth will be recruited in government jobs in two years.
Praising his government, the CM said, today there is no discrimination against the youth in the state. The youth are being linked to government jobs in a fair and transparent manner. Yogi claimed that in the last seven and a half years, his government has given jobs to more than six and a half lakh youth.
CM Yogi Adityanath reached Varanasi on Sunday. He addressed the closing session of the State Working Committee and Membership Campaign Training Workshop of BJYM in the auditorium of Deendayal Hastkala Sankul located in Bada Lalpur. This workshop was organized in the context of BJP’s membership campaign. 1200 officials and prominent workers participated in it. The Chief Minister explained the difference between the opposition parties and the BJP. He said that we are all working for a nationalist mission. After doing the work, the opponents say that they have done it. But we are just a medium. Yogi Adityanath warned that in the coming days we will face many big challenges. They will have to be faced together. Those who tore apart the social fabric have again come in a position to commit crime by wearing masks.
SP-Congress do politics at the cost of the country
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that SP and Congress do politics at the cost of the country, whereas we consider politics as a means for the country. This is the difference between them and us. He said that we have done politics not as a means to attain power, but for values and ideals. Power is a means of nation building and public construction for us.
great men were despised
Taking the names of SP and Congress, the CM said that who does not know their deeds. They insulted Baba Saheb Ambedkar socially. They despised Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. They tried their best to ensure that great men did not get Bharat Ratna. It is as if one family has got the right over Bharat Ratna. He said, whenever SP or Congress got a chance, they did politics at the cost of the country. Remembering Atal ji, Yogi said that politics without principles is a noose of death.
Addressing the BJYM workers, the Chief Minister said that I feel very happy when I attend the Yuva Morcha program because people do not grow old. He called upon every youth to have the resolution of ‘My every work is in the name of the country’. First comes the country, then we. Our faith, religion and sect matter only when the country is safe. The Chief Minister said that your enthusiasm causes a new energy. On the strength of this positive energy, we are engaged in taking a state like UP to new heights with good governance and the vision of the Prime Minister.
The change in UP is felt
While discussing his seven-year tenure, the Chief Minister said that earlier UP was facing an identity crisis. Today’s youth must be seeing the changes in UP seven years ago and now. There was anarchy in UP then. Daughters were not safe, the condition of businessmen was bad. No one wanted to invest. There was discrimination in everything from roads to electricity. In these seven years, the country and the state have seen a new Uttar Pradesh. UP is gaining respect. The Chief Minister also said that remember when we came in 2017. Then UP was number one in population and number 7 in the country in terms of economy. Now we have reached number two. He assured that UP will become the state with the number one economy in the country.
There is no discrimination in recruitment
Yogi claimed that we have given jobs to six and a half lakh youth. The recruitment exam for 60 thousand policemen has just been completed. In the next two years, we are going to recruit one lakh people in UP Police. Two lakh government posts are going to be filled. There will be no discrimination in this. We will work with a zero tolerance policy.
Today you can get a job at home
CM said that big investors from the country and abroad are coming to invest in UP. In the Investor Summit of 2023, UP received investment proposals worth Rs 40 lakh crore. This means jobs for about 1.5 crore youth. Earlier the youth used to go to Mumbai-Hyderabad and abroad. Now he will get a job in his district, his home in the state.