A video of a series of road accidents has emerged from Karnataka’s capital Bengaluru. The accident took place on the Electronic City flyover bridge. The accident was captured in the rear view camera of the car, the video of which is rapidly going viral on social media. This series of accidents could have been fatal, but no one died in it. No one suffered serious injuries in the accident. The incident is said to have taken place at 5:30 pm on Monday.
In the video, it can be seen that a speeding car overturned while giving way to an ambulance. The ambulance tried to overtake the car. During this, it collided with the car. Due to this, the car hit the Yulu e-bike and then overturned. This series of accidents took place on the Electronic City flyover bridge, due to which the road was blocked for some time. The vehicles were on the flyover, due to which a possible major accident was averted.
The incident was captured in the car’s rearview camera
The entire incident was captured on the rearview camera of a car driving ahead, which showed clear visuals of the accident. According to reports, another ambulance immediately reached the spot and the injured were rushed to the hospital for treatment. Passersby also rushed to help those involved in the accident. Meanwhile, a crowd gathered after the incident, leading to a temporary traffic jam on the busy flyover. Soon after the incident, the Electronic City Traffic Police reached the spot and handled the situation. They put up barricades without delay and managed the traffic jam. Vehicles continued to move smoothly on the rest of the flyover.
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