Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s aide Bibhav Kumar and Aam Aadmi Party’s former communication in-charge Vijay Nair walked out of Tihar jail on Tuesday, a day after they were granted bail by the Supreme Court in separate cases. Vijay Nair walked out of the jail around 6 pm after spending 22 months in Tihar jail in connection with the alleged Delhi liquor scam case. He was lodged in jail number four of the Tihar jail complex, a jail official said.
The family welcomed
Meanwhile, Bibhav Kumar, who was in judicial custody in the alleged assault case on Swati Maliwal, came out of jail at 2 pm. On this occasion, his family members welcomed him. The Supreme Court had granted bail to Bibhav Kumar on Monday. The apex court said that the accused has been in custody for more than 100 days. Bibhav Kumar is accused of allegedly attacking Maliwal at Kejriwal’s official residence on May 13.
What currents are there on the potential?
Bibhav Kumar was arrested by Delhi Police on May 18. A case was registered against him on May 16 under various sections of the Indian Penal Code. These include criminal intimidation, assault on a woman or use of criminal force with intent to disrobe her and attempt to commit culpable homicide. AAP leaders on Monday described the bail granted to Vijay Nair as ‘victory of truth’. Delhi CM Kejriwal is lodged in Tihar Jail in the same case.
What will be the restrictions on Vibhav?
After the Supreme Court granted bail, the court of Judicial Magistrate Gaurav Goyal granted bail to Bibhav Kumar on furnishing a personal bond and a surety bond of Rs 1 lakh each. The court has also imposed other conditions for bail. These include that Bibhav Kumar will not threaten witnesses. He will not tamper with evidence. He will also regularly attend court proceedings.
Will not be able to enter CM residence
At the same time, the Supreme Court bench of Justice Suryakant and Justice Ujjwal Bhuiyan directed that Kumar will not be reinstated as Kejriwal’s personal assistant. Not only this, Bibhav will not be given any official work in the Chief Minister’s office. Bibhav Kumar will not be able to enter the CM residence until the interrogation of all the witnesses is completed. The Supreme Court also said that the bail will be subject to other conditions imposed by the lower court.
Vijay Nair also got bail on conditions
A day earlier, the Supreme Court granted bail to Vijay Nair on Monday after nearly 23 months of detention. A bench of Justices Hrishikesh Roy and SVN Bhatti said that the petitioner has been in custody for 23 months. Such punishment cannot be given before the case begins. If he is kept in custody as an undertrial prisoner for a long time, then bail is the rule and jail is the exception… This will completely fail the universal principle. The petitioner is granted bail on the conditions given in the order.