Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi was once again asked about his marriage in the Lok Sabha. In response, he said that he is not planning to get married, but if it happens then it is (ok). However, he has come out of the pressure of marriage for 20-30 years. Rahul made this comment while interacting with Kashmiri girl students during his visit to Jammu and Kashmir last week. He uploaded the video of this conversation with a group of Kashmiri girl students on his YouTube channel on Monday.
It is seen in the video that the Kashmiri girl students questioned him about his marriage plans. On this, the Congress leader said that I am not planning marriage. He also told those girls that he will invite them to his wedding. Rahul Gandhi once again raised the demand to restore the full statehood of Jammu and Kashmir. He said that there is no point in running this Union Territory from Delhi.
‘PM Modi does not listen to anyone’
When asked about Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi said, “My problem with the Prime Minister is that he does not listen to anyone. I have a problem with anyone who assumes from the beginning that he is right. Even if someone is showing him something that he is wrong, he will not accept it. So this type of person always creates some problem.” He said that this comes from insecurity, it does not come from strength. It comes from weakness.
What did he say on Jammu and Kashmir assembly elections
The Congress leader also talked about the upcoming assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir. He told the students that this is the first time in Indian history that a state has been stripped of its full statehood. He said, ‘We did not like the way it was done. But, now the principle for us is to get back the statehood. This includes representation to the people of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.’ Rahul said that there is no point in running this state from Delhi.