A very heated atmosphere was seen in the Lok Sabha on Monday between the ruling party and the opposition. Congress leader in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Choudhary accused the central government of making Lord Ram an election tool. After this, Adhir did not stop here and tried to corner the Central Government on issues like Ladakh and Maldives. However, as soon as Adhir did this, the country’s Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said a big thing in the House.
What did Adhir Ranjan say?
In the budget session of Parliament, Congress leader in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Choudhary raised the issue of Ladakh and Maldives. He said that not a single word was said on security concerns in the President’s address. Adhir Ranjan said that the situation in Ladakh is worsening day by day, what is happening in Maldives? After this, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has answered this question.
If I look at India…
Responding to Adhir Ranjan Choudhary, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said that I express my disagreement with whatever he said regarding China and LAC. I condemn it. The Defense Minister said that if anyone dares to look India in the eye, India has every capability and strength to respond. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said that I want to assure the House that India is no longer weak. India has become stronger. There should not be unnecessary defamation on the platform of the country’s Parliament.
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