Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra tweeted on Friday about the recent incidents of atrocities against women in the country, including the brutality and murder of a female doctor in Kolkata. In which she expressed great anger over these incidents and said that these atrocities have shaken the country. She said that repeated leniency in such cases, political protection to the accused and granting bail or parole to the culprits lowers the morale of women. She asked that when government figures show that 86 rapes are taking place every day, from whom should women expect protection?
In her post on the X platform, Priyanka wrote, ‘The cruelties against women in Kolkata, Bihar, Uttarakhand and UP have shaken the entire country. At this time women across the country are in grief and anger. Whenever such incidents happen, the women of the country see what the governments are doing? How serious is their words and measures? Wherever there was a need to give a strong message about the safety of women, efforts were made to save the accused.’
Further, he wrote, ‘Repeated leniency in cases of heinous atrocities on women, political protection of the accused and granting bail/parole to convicted prisoners discourage women. What message does this send to the women of the country? When government data shows 86 rapes happening every day, from whom should women expect protection?’
Priyanka mentioned these 3 incidents in her tweet
The Congress general secretary’s tweet comes amid nationwide outrage over the brutal rape and murder of a female trainee doctor at the state-run RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata on August 9 last week.
Priyanka also mentioned in her post the incident that took place in Rudrapur, Uttarakhand, in which a nurse of a private hospital was raped and killed by crushing her face with a stone. The accused also dumped her body in an empty plot in a village in Uttar Pradesh near the border of Uttarakhand.
Apart from this, the third incident mentioned by Priyanka took place in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar, where a 14-year-old Dalit girl was kidnapped from her house and her body was found in a pond with injury marks on it.