The series of strange incidents on flights is increasing. One such incident has happened at Pune’s Lohegaon Airport. Here a woman was deboarded from the flight due to her strange behavior. This woman attacked two fellow passengers. Apart from this, this female passenger also slapped a security officer. Not only this, when the female security personnel was trying to deboard her from the flight, she bit her hand. According to the police, this incident happened on Saturday, 17 August at around 7:45 in the morning. The incident is of Indigo Airlines flight from Pune to Delhi.
According to the information, first this female passenger attacked her two co-passengers. These people were sitting on their designated seats. When the situation went out of control, the crew members intervened. After this, two CISF constables Priyanka Reddy and Sonika Pal were also called. It is alleged that when the female passenger was being tried to be taken off the plane, she bit the hand of female constable Priyanka Reddy. However, the security forces succeeded in getting the woman off the plane. The woman’s husband was also traveling with her.
Later, the woman and her husband were handed over to the airport police. Earlier, in a similar incident, a passenger of Akasa Air flight from Lucknow to Mumbai was also deboarded at the airport. This female passenger also misbehaved with the crew and other passengers on the plane. In this case, a case was also registered under Section 504 (intentional insult or provocation to disturb peace and public tranquility) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).