Top leaders of Aam Aadmi Party (including former Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia) held a meeting in Delhi on Monday. In this, strategies and guidelines were discussed for the Delhi Assembly elections to be held before February 2025. After the party meeting, a new campaign was announced. It will start from September 1 this year. This campaign has been named ‘Aap ka Vidhayak, Aapke Dwar’.
Aam Aadmi Party told about this campaign in detail. Under the campaign ‘Aap ka Vidhayak, Aapke Dwar’, the party’s MLA will meet people at the Mandal and booth level of the Vidhan Sabha. The MLA will meet people and tell them what work the party has done in the last 10 years. Along with this, he will also tell them about the current political situation.
After the meeting at Manish Sisodia’s residence on Mathura Road, Rajya Sabha MP Sandeep Pathak said that the party is busy preparing for the upcoming assembly elections and will also speed up the campaign for it. Sandeep said that in the meeting, there was a detailed discussion on the changing political developments, governance and administration and the upcoming assembly elections.
He said that Sisodia’s padyatra, which started on August 16, has received a good response. Therefore, the party will take this campaign forward. Pathak said that AAP MLAs, workers and volunteers were also present in the meeting. Everyone exposed the conspiracies being run by the BJP. People told how the BJP is trying to stop the work being done by them and the people.
Let us tell you that on Sunday, five councillors of AAP joined BJP, which was a big blow to the party. So far, 7 councillors and 2 MLAs have joined BJP. After Manish Sisodia came out of jail, he is currently the top leader of the party. Due to Kejriwal being in jail, he is going to have an important contribution in the strategies and supervision for the upcoming assembly elections.