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HomeLifestyle NewsBlacken your hair with curry leaves and black tea, the color of...

Blacken your hair with curry leaves and black tea, the color of your hair will remain forever! – India TV Hindi

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gray hair remedy

Black hair home remedies: People are troubled by the problem of white hair. This actually happens due to lack of collagen due to which hair starts graying rapidly. Apart from this, hair also starts turning gray due to pollution. Apart from this, use curry leaves and black tea to blacken the hair from the roots. Actually, both of these together can change the color of your hair. These help in boosting collagen in the hair and darken the hair. So, let us know how to blacken hair from the root.

How to darken hair quickly?

You can use curry leaves and black tea to blacken hair. Grind curry leaves and then mix black tea in it. For black tea, heat the tea leaves, strain them and add the curry leaves. Then cook it well. After some time, add a little oil to it and then apply it on your hair. Leave it for 45 minutes and then wash the hair.

Women should not ignore these symptoms of UTI, otherwise the infection can spread to the uterus!

Benefits of curry leaves and black tea

1. Improves hair color

Curry leaves and black tea together increase the blood circulation of your hair and improve the complexion. These actually open the skin pores and provide nourishment with oxygen, which improves the color of the hair. In this way it is helpful in blackening the hair.

curry leaves

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curry leaves

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2. Helpful in dandruff

Both curry leaves and black tea are helpful in reducing the problem of dandruff. It is antibacterial which along with cleaning the scalp, also cleans the skin pores, thus preventing the problem of dandruff. Apart from this, both of them together reduce itching in the scalp and prevent the scalp from becoming dry. So, for this reason you should use curry leaves and black tea.

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