Washing machine has made the work of people very easy. The responsibility of washing clothes which was on people has ended. We don’t even know when the clothes get washed in the washing machine. But this machine which washes our dirty clothes also needs cleaning. Actually, due to continuous use, water and soap get accumulated in the machine and due to keeping it in the gallery, dust and dirt get accumulated on it. In such a situation, this dirt should be cleaned from time to time. If you do not clean the washing machine, it can get damaged very soon. In such a situation, let us tell you some easy ways to clean the machine.
Clean your washing machine with these tips:
Vinegar and Baking Soda: To clean the washing machine, first pour 2 cups of vinegar in its drum. Now run the machine on high temperature. After that add half a cup of baking soda in it and run it again. Vinegar and baking soda easily remove dirt, sticky grime and bacteria.
Lemon juice: Lemon juice is very useful in cleaning washing machine. First of all, squeeze two lemons and extract their juice and put this juice in the drum of the washing machine. Now clean the drum once with a cotton cloth. The acidic properties of lemon remove dirt and give a fresh smell.
Old toothbrush and toothpaste: Dipping a toothbrush in old toothpaste can help clean more dirty parts of the machine, such as the detergent tray or gasket.
Dryer Sheets: If your machine smells, put a dryer sheet in the drum and run a cycle. This freshens the machine. Always clean the machine not only from inside but also from outside. If possible, cover the machine with a cloth or plastic from above so that dust or dirt does not accumulate on it.
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