Black, thick and long hair enhances beauty. If the hair is not nourished properly, it affects the length. This is the reason why some people do not grow their hair no matter how many things they use. They apply expensive oils to their hair but still there is no effect on the growth. Apart from this, hair fall has become the second biggest problem. Most people are troubled by the thinness and baldness of their hair. If you also want that your hair growth is good and your hair becomes thick and strong, then make some special oil at home and apply it.
Today we are telling you how to make oil for hair with 3 effective things. By applying this oil, you will easily see the difference in hair growth. You can make this oil that increases hair length at home. Know what to do for this?
Oil to increase hair length
To prepare this oil, you will have to take 1 small bottle of pure almond oil available in the market. Mix about 1 teaspoon of Moringa powder in the oil. Mix all the things well. Fill the oil in a bottle. Keep this bottle in the sun for about 1 week. You will see that the Moringa powder has settled at the bottom. Filter the oil through a sieve. Now mix a few drops of rosemary oil in this oil. The effective oil for increasing hair length is ready.
How to apply oil to increase hair length
Apply this oil at least 3 times a week. Massage this oil on the roots of the hair. This will make a difference in the length of the hair. Massage the oil well at night or apply the oil to the hair 1-2 hours before shampooing. After this, wash the hair with a mild shampoo.
Benefits of applying Almond Rosemary Moringa Oil
This oil is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients necessary for hair. Almond oil contains vitamin E. Which increases the length of hair. Antioxidants are found in almonds which clean the pores. Applying rosemary oil removes the problem of split ends and provides nutrition. Hair fall is reduced. On the other hand, phytochemicals are found in Moringa. It also contains vitamin C, A, E, iron, zinc which are good for hair health.
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