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HomeLifestyle NewsThis 1 thing is beneficial for dry skin in winter

This 1 thing is beneficial for dry skin in winter

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Honey for dry skin in winter

Honey for dry skin in winter: Most people are troubled by dry skin in winter. Actually, due to cold air, the skin becomes dry from inside and due to lack of moisture, the face starts cracking and the face starts looking lifeless. In such a situation, you can use honey to remove the lack of moisture and reduce dryness. This is something that works in different ways for the face. Firstly, it is anti-bacterial which protects the face from acne and many types of infections. Second, some of its antioxidants help boost collagen in your skin and improve its texture. Apart from this, honey has many benefits for dry skin. Together we will know how to use honey for face?

Honey for dry skin

Honey is a natural humectant. This means it draws moisture and holds it in the skin. It also forms a protecting layer to prevent dryness. Also, the enzymes present in honey help in exfoliating the skin and softening the rough skin by removing dead skin cells. Apart from this, it is also an excellent moisturizer which adds moisture to the skin from within and prevents it from cracking. In this way, it helps in reducing the problem of dry skin by locking the moisture in the face.

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How to use honey for dry skin in winter

You can use honey in many ways for dry skin. But, the best way is to make a face pack out of it. All you have to do is take honey and mix some rose water, turmeric and cream in it. Then mix all this and apply it on your face and then massage the face gently. Do this for some time and then wash your face with lukewarm water. You will find that it improves the texture of your skin and is helpful in toning the skin.

honey benefits for skin

Image Source : SOCIAL

honey benefits for skin

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So, in this way you can protect your face from becoming dry in winter. Honey is also rich in Vitamin E which boosts collagen and prevents wrinkles on the face. So, you can also adopt these home remedies.

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