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HomeLifestyle NewsWhy should black sesame seeds be offered to ancestors, know how to...

Why should black sesame seeds be offered to ancestors, know how to use it and what are the benefits? – Hindustan News Hub

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Importance of black sesame seeds in Pitru Paksha

It is said that our ancestors come to earth during Pitru Paksha. For 15 days, to make the ancestors happy, they are offered food and offered tarpan. Although the things liked by the ancestors should be included in the bhog, but the ancestors like some special things which make them happy. One of these things is black sesame. It is believed that offering black sesame makes the ancestors happy and your family gets their blessings. Know how to use black sesame and what are its benefits?

Offer black sesame seeds to ancestors

Everyone remembers their ancestors and offers them food during the 15 days of Shraadh. This makes them happy and you get their blessings. Black sesame seeds are considered to be of special importance to please the ancestors. You can put black sesame seeds in water and offer it to your ancestors. This will give peace to the soul of your ancestors and their blessings will remain on you.

How to offer black sesame seeds

If you wish, you can also offer black sesame seeds in the fire while offering oblations to them i.e. during havan. You can also offer them some sweet thing made from black sesame seeds. This will bring prosperity in the house and your ancestors will be happy. Aryama Dev is called the god of ancestors who becomes happy by offering sesame seeds.

Importance of black sesame seeds

Although both white and black sesame seeds are considered good for health, but mostly black sesame seeds are used in worship. You can also eat black sesame seeds. Black sesame seeds are also considered very beneficial for hair. Polyunsaturated fats and plenty of antioxidants are found in black sesame seeds. Bad cholesterol can be reduced by eating black sesame seeds. Black sesame seeds are also beneficial for the heart.

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