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HomeLifestyle NewsYou should never give this advice to friends, it will create a...

You should never give this advice to friends, it will create a rift even in the oldest friendship – Hindustan News Hub

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Advice that can damage your relationship with your best friend

You too must have heard this from elders at one time or the other that unless you are asked for advice, you should avoid giving your advice. Any sensible person will definitely follow this. But in case of friendship, we forget this and keep giving advice to our friends for their well-being. Let us know about some such topics, giving advice about which can have a heavy impact on your friendship relationship.

breakup advice

If you want to save your friendship from breaking, then you should not give advice to your friend regarding his relationship issues. If your friend’s partner has hurt him, then instead of advising him to break up, you should let him deal with the situation on his own. Giving advice on relationship issues can create a rift in even the deepest of friendships.

advice to quit job

If your friend is not happy with his job or he is facing any kind of problem in his job, then you should not advise him to leave the job. If your friend followed your advice and left his job and because of this decision your friend’s problems increased, then it is possible that he may put the responsibility on you.

thing to note

Even though you want to give advice to your friend for his well-being, keep in mind that you should not interfere in your friend’s life more than necessary. You should trust your friends’ decisions. Even if your friend’s decision turns out to be wrong later on, you should still try to stand by your friend without blaming him.

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