India’s Chef de Mission (CDM) Saty Prakash Sangwan on Thursday revealed Team India’s final preparations for the Paris Paralympics 2024. SP Sangwan is leading India’s largest-ever contingent of 84 athletes at the 17th Paralympic Summer Games, starting August 28, and in an exclusive interview with India TV, he predicted a record campaign.
India will win 28 medals!
Indian Paralympic Committee (PCI) vice-president SP Sangwan arrived in Paris on Sunday and revealed the upbeat mood of the Indian contingent that comprises 52 male and 32 female para athletes. After India’s impressive performance at the Tokyo Paralympics 2020, fans are expecting more at the Paris Games and Sangwan agrees with them. India won a record 19 medals including five gold in Tokyo and finished 24th in the medal tally. When asked about India’s medal hopes, Sangwan revealed that India is expecting a record-breaking performance and said that they are confident of winning 28 medals.
Satya Prakash Sangwan told India TV that we won four medals in the 2016 Rio Games and 19 in Tokyo, but now we are expecting a record 25-plus medals in Paris. My inner feeling is expecting 28 medals for India. We are not only expecting but also confident of a record 28 medals including eight to ten gold in Paris. He said that we hope that we will make everyone proud by being in the T20 (top 20 teams in the medal table) in this Paralympics. India will definitely make it to the T20 and we will continue to work to get a place in the top ten in the medal table.
India will remain in the top 20: Sangwan
India’s 24th place finish in the medals tally at Tokyo was an extraordinary achievement, as India had never won more than five medals in a single edition of the previous Paralympic Games. SP Sangwan confidently said that India will aim for a top ten finish in Paris, but realistically hope to get a T20 finish. Sangwan also revealed India’s preparations and how the athletes are using private coaches ahead of the Paris Games. He said that the PCI has arranged accommodation for private coaches in Paris and they are leaving no stone unturned in their preparations.
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