A 5-match Test series between India and England will start from January 25, the first match of which will be played at Hyderabad. BCCI has announced the team for the first 2 Test matches, in which 22-year-old young wicketkeeper batsman Dhruv Jurel has been included in the team for the first time. Kumar Sangakkara, head coach of Rajasthan Royals team in the Indian Premier League, has also expressed happiness over his selection. Let us tell you that Jurel is a part of Rajasthan Royals team in IPL. In his statement about Jurel, Sangakkara also talked about his three qualities.
He understands pressure much better
Kumar Sangakkara, in his statement to ANI after Dhruv Jurel’s selection in the Test team, said that his work ethic and conduct is excellent. Apart from this, he also understands pressure much better. In the last season of IPL, Dhruv came to bat in some matches at a time when the pressure was the highest, but he handled it brilliantly. He is a very good player in the shorter formats, but being a part of the Test team will really test his technique and patience. I’m sure he’ll do well in this too because he’s exactly that type of player.
Sangakkara further said in his statement that the first goal of Rajasthan Royals is to prepare as many players as possible for the Indian team. We have produced many players in the last few years, Dhruv is one of them. He’s a good player and has worked very hard to get there.
This has been Dhruv Jurel’s performance so far
If we look at Dhruv Jurel’s performance in first-class cricket, he has played 15 matches so far, in which he managed to score 790 runs at an average of 46.47. During this period, one century and five half-century innings have been seen from his bat. Whereas in List A, Dhruv has scored 189 runs in 10 matches at an average of 47.25. Recently, Dhruv Jurel was also a part of the Indian A team that went to South Africa A and there he scored 69 runs with his bat.
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