Sarfaraz Khan IPL: The third match of the Test series is being played between India and England. Sarfaraz Khan made his debut for Team India in this match. Sarfaraz impressed everyone by batting brilliantly in his debut match and he played a quick inning of 62 runs. After a lot of hard work and a long wait, Sarfaraz Khan started showing his strength as soon as he got the chance to play under the captaincy of Rohit Sharma. Everyone was surprised to see the fast batting of Sarfaraz Khan. He was in such great form in this match that he could have easily scored a century, but due to Jadeja’s mistake, he became the victim of runout.
No one gave price in IPL auction
This match was no less than a dream debut for Sarfaraz Khan. By fulfilling his dream in front of his father, he made his entire family feel proud. Let us tell you that Sarfaraz Khan was not included in any team’s squad for this year’s IPL. Sarfaraz Khan was present at a very low base price during the auction for IPL 2024. The Delhi Capitals team had released him. Sarfaraz Khan was present in the auction for IPL 2024 at a base price of only Rs 20 lakh, but no team gave him a price. Now these teams might be regretting seeing Sarfaraz’s performance in international cricket after his domestic performance.
The price will be more than double
After making his Test debut against England, the demand for Sarfaraz Khan must have increased a lot. Any team would like to include him in their squad for IPL. In this context, if Sarfaraz Khan comes in the mega auction for IPL 2025, then his base price will now be at least Rs 50 lakh, which is double from last time because according to the rules, no international player can be bought for less than the base price of Rs 50 lakh. Could be present and Sarfaraz Khan has now become an international player.
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