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HomeWorld News'If he becomes President again...', Trump's big statement on banning Muslim countries

‘If he becomes President again…’, Trump’s big statement on banning Muslim countries

Image Source : AP FILE
US President Donald Trump.

New York: Former US President Donald Trump has announced to launch a mass deportation campaign, impose a ban on Muslim countries and impose custom duty on the import of all goods if he wins the general elections in 2024. His campaign for candidacy in the presidential elections has already started, but at present, most of Trump’s time is being spent in hearing various cases filed against him. It is amazing that despite all this, he is leading in the race for the Republican Party’s nomination in the elections. Trump has also shared the agenda of his tenure if he becomes President again. Some of the main points of Trump’s agenda are as follows:

Donald Trump will run the biggest Kharelu deportation

On the US-Mexico border, Trump says that under the plan he will direct the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement department to conduct the largest domestic deportation campaign in US history. He has said that those people who are living legally in America but sympathize with Jihadis will not be spared. He has also talked about stopping the visas of those students who hold anti-American and anti-Semitic views. Trump has said he will transfer thousands of troops deployed abroad and anti-narcotics operations and FBI agents to the Immigration Department in an effort to secure the US-Mexico border.

Trump has also said that if he comes to power, he will build more walls on the border. He wants to once again impose a travel ban on people from 7 Muslim-majority countries. He has also talked about increasing the scope of this ban, so that ‘radical Islamist terrorists can be driven out of the country.’ Trump has also promised ‘ideological screening’ of migrants in the wake of Hamas attacks on Israel.

Will make a new system of tax on foreign goods

Trade Trump has said he will establish a system to impose a 10 percent tax on most foreign goods. If trading partners are found to be manipulating their country’s currency or using unfair trade practices, they will also be fined. Trump has said that he will urge Congress to pass a ‘Trump Reciprocal Trade Act’, which would give the President the authority to impose reciprocating tariffs on any country that imposes tariffs on the US.

It is clear from Trump’s words that most of his agenda will focus on China. He has unveiled a four-year plan to phase out Chinese imports of essential goods, including electronics, steel and pharmaceuticals. He wants to impose sanctions on Chinese companies from acquiring critical American infrastructure in sectors such as energy, technology and agriculture.

‘I will stop Russia-Ukraine war before taking oath’

Regarding foreign policy, Trump claims that he will stop the war between Russia and Ukraine even before taking the oath of office. Trump says his agenda includes ending ‘the endless flow of American money to Ukraine’ and asking European countries to reimburse Ukraine for the money provided to it from the US treasury. Trump has said he will stand with Israel in the war with Hamas and support Israel’s efforts to “destroy” the terrorist group. He says he will continue to ‘fundamentally reevaluate’ the purpose and mission of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

‘Will send National Guard to cities like Chicago’

According to Trump’s agenda regarding public safety, he will once again insist on sending the National Guard to cities struggling with violence like Chicago. He would allow federal government funding to strengthen local governments and the hiring of prosecutors. Trump says local police should be given the right to shoot people suspected of robbing stores. ‘If you rob a store, you can fully expect that you will be shot when you are leaving that store,’ he said in a recent speech. Trump has called for the death penalty for drug smugglers and those who traffick women and children.

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