Sapelo Island (USA): A major accident has occurred in America when a part of a ferry pier collapsed. There is news of death of at least 7 people in this. It is being told that this accident happened in Sapelo Island in the American state of Georgia, where at least seven people died on Saturday when a part of the ferry dock collapsed. This information was given by the spokesperson of the government agency that operates it.
Georgia Department of Natural Resources spokesman Tyler Jones said several people were taken to hospitals. The U.S. Coast Guard, McIntosh County Fire Department, Georgia Department of Natural Resources and other department personnel are searching for other people in the water, Jones said. Jones said a ‘gangway’ on the pier collapsed and people fell into the water.
The incident occurred as a crowd of people from the small Gullah-Geechee community of black slave descendants on the island had gathered to celebrate. Sapelo Island is about 100 kilometers south of Savannah and can be reached by boat from the mainland.
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