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HomeWorld NewsThis Muslim country is number 1 in the world in hanging people,...

This Muslim country is number 1 in the world in hanging people, then put 9 people to death

Image Source: AP
Iran hanged 9 people.

Although death penalty continues in many countries, the number of executions in most countries is very less. But we are going to tell you the story of a Muslim country which is number one in executions in the whole world. This country not only sentences hundreds of people to death every year, but also hangs them. This time again this country has hanged 9 people. Because of this, this Muslim country is again in the news. Let us tell you why this country hangs the most people?

It is noteworthy that Iran, a staunch Muslim country, ranks first in the world in executions. The country lies on a major opium-smuggling route between Afghanistan and Europe, and Iran has the highest rate of domestic opium use in the world. Therefore, most of the executions in Iran take place in drug smuggling cases. But it is surprising that despite this there is no fear among the criminals here. Iran has executed nine convicted drug traffickers in recent days, one of the world’s highest execution rates, state media reported Tuesday.

2.8 million people take drugs in Iran

Three prisoners held at a prison in the northwestern province of Ardabil were hanged on charges of “buying and transporting heroin and opium,” the official IRNA news agency said. While 6 others were hanged for smuggling “methamphetamine, heroin and cannabis”. Figures cited by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in the year 2021 show that 2.8 million people in Iran have drug problems. Iranian authorities have launched several campaigns to fight drug abuse and trafficking and regularly make large seizures of opium smuggled in from neighboring Afghanistan.

Iranian authorities executed at least 173 people convicted of drug-related crimes during the first five months of 2023, according to Amnesty International. According to Amnesty, it executes more people per year than any other country except China. The Norway-based Iran Human Rights Group said in November that the Islamic Republic of Iran was expected to execute more than 700 people in 2023, the highest figure in eight years.

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