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HomeWorld NewsYemen's Houthis made a big claim, America and Britain will be shocked...

Yemen’s Houthis made a big claim, America and Britain will be shocked – India TV Hindi

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America and Britain will be shocked by this claim of Yemen’s Houthis

Israel Hamas War: Amidst the war between Israel and Hamas, Yemen’s Houthi rebels, who oppose Israeli attacks in Gaza and support Hamas, are continuously taking an aggressive stance in the Red Sea. They are continuously targeting the merchant ships of countries like Israel and its supporters America and Britain. Houthi rebels have adopted an aggressive stance since the Gaza war began on October 7. During this period they have targeted many ships. On this, America and Britain attacked many positions of Houthis. Despite this, the intentions of the Houthi rebels are high. The Houthis have made a big claim, which will surprise even America and Britain.

Yemen’s Houthi rebels claim to have a new hypersonic missile in their arsenal, Russian state media said. This increases the risk of Houthi rebel attacks on ships in the Red Sea and surrounding waterways amid the war between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip. Russia’s official ‘RIA Novosti’ news agency gave this news quoting an unidentified official. However, no evidence was provided in support of this claim.

Will attack more ships now

Top Houthi leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi said on Thursday that Houthi rebels will launch attacks on ships heading towards the ‘Cape of Good Hope’ in the southern tip of Africa. So far, rebels have attacked ships sailing through the Red Sea towards the Suez Canal. It is not yet clear how they will carry out any possible attack. Meanwhile, there is information about indirect talks in Oman regarding the rapidly growing missile program of Iran’s capital Tehran.

Iran also presented claim of hypersonic missile

Iran, the Houthis’ biggest patron, claims to have a hypersonic missile and has widely equipped the rebels with the missiles they now use. The presence of hypersonic missiles in the arsenal of Houthi rebels could pose a more serious challenge to the air defense systems of the US and its allies, including Israel.

Iran’s mission to the United Nations declined to comment on Thursday. Regarding the claim regarding hypersonic, Sabrina Singh, spokeswoman for the Pentagon, the headquarters of the US Defense Ministry, said, we have no indication that they have this capability.

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