Monday, July 8, 2024
HomeHealthLess than 6 hours of sleep can spoil your health, the risk...

Less than 6 hours of sleep can spoil your health, the risk of these diseases increases!

Along with good eating habits and lifestyle, good sleep is very important for health. Health experts often say that 7-8 hours of sleep is beneficial for health. If a person sleeps less than this, the risk of many serious diseases increases. Nowadays, there is so much hustle and bustle in every person’s life that they hardly get time to sleep.

According to health experts, 7-8 hours of sleep is very important. It has been proved in many researches that due to less sleep many types of diseases start occurring in the body. People who sleep less or who get less sleep. They need to take special care of their health. Because if you do not give your body as much rest as it should, you may have to face many problems. 

Problem of weight gain

If a person sleeps less than 6 hours, he suffers from many diseases. For example, the risk of diseases like obesity and diabetes increases. In case of lack of sleep, the level of hormones named cortisol and leptin increases in the body. Due to which one feels more hungry. And this causes obesity and diabetes. 

Weak immunity

If the body does not get the amount of sleep it needs, the immunity will weaken. Due to this, the ability to fight bacteria as well as infection will be directly affected. Whose eating habits, sleep and lifestyle are good. His immunity also works properly. If you are falling ill again and again, it could be due to lack of sleep. 

Effect on memory

In case of lack of sleep, it directly affects the brain. It has been proved in many researches that due to lack of sleep swelling starts occurring in the body. This happens because dangerous proteins are not able to come out of the body. Which has a direct effect on memory. This is why the risk of many brain related diseases increases.

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