Sunday, July 7, 2024
HomeHealthIf you want to quit cigarettes but are unable to do so,...

If you want to quit cigarettes but are unable to do so, then adopt these easy solutions.

Cigarette Smoking: Cigarette addiction is one of the worst addictions. Friends give you sweet treats and then your whole life becomes bitter. According to data from the Health Department of the Government of India, one cigarette takes away 11 minutes of your life. There are so many cases of cancer due to cigarettes that to create awareness, the government may or may not even show advertisements about cigarettes in cinema halls.

Cigarettes cause countless deaths every day, it is written on the packaging that cigarettes are deadly, yet people insist that they do not believe it.

In such a situation, let us know what are those measures by adopting which you can say goodbye to cigarettes.

1. Find the right reason
To do any work, feel the true reason, cause or motive for it. Like it seems so difficult to wake up in the morning, but if we have to go to play cricket early in the morning, then we wake up automatically, even the real thing cannot overtake us, because the purpose here is to play, a work of choice.
Similarly, talk to yourself as to why you want to quit smoking and act accordingly.

2. Take help from friends and family
Many times your environment gives you motivation to do some work. For example, if you are trying to give up cigarette or any other addiction, then ask your friends or family members around you to help and motivate you in getting rid of cigarette addiction. First control the number of cigarettes and then gradually help in giving up the cigarette addiction by interrupting and explaining.

3. Avoid trigger things
After drinking alcohol, you may also feel the urge to smoke cigarettes. In such a situation, avoid it. Try to avoid such company or any corner of the room, any memory that takes you closer to cigarettes.
Maintain the cleanliness of the room, remove the cigarette ash tray first so that you do not smell the cigarette.

4. Take sports from doctor
If you have decided that you will quit smoking, then doctors can help you. By consulting a doctor, you can get information about smoking cessation apps, classes, counseling, tips etc.
Apart from this, you can also use nicotine replacement gum, patch etc.

5. Consume fruits and vegetables
Whenever you feel like smoking a cigarette, divert your attention and eat or drink something healthy instead of smoking. This habit will help your body to accept the habit of eating healthy food and gradually its benefits will be visible.

6. Work out
If you remain physically active then believe me it will help a lot in quitting cigarette addiction. Staying physically fit, eating well, sleeping well will become a habit and you will never want to return to bad habits.

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