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HomeHealthWhat is ultra processed food, eating which can cause 32 dangerous diseases

What is ultra processed food, eating which can cause 32 dangerous diseases

Ultra Processed Foods: Many serious diseases are increasing due to bad eating habits. Nowadays, to fill their stomach in less time and in a rush, people are eating things like chips, namkeen, biscuits, pizza-burgers or cold drinks. These foods are called ‘ultra processed foods’, which are no less than poison for your health. A study has found that if Ultra Processed Foods are consumed daily, the risk of 32 serious diseases including cancer and diabetes can increase. Let us know what is the study and how dangerous are ultra processed foods…

Why are ultra processed foods dangerous?

According to the study, snacks or sugary cold drinks go through many processes before reaching the market. These are called cosmetic foods B. Color and many other things are added to make it tasty. These also contain extra sugar and fat. Therefore they are considered harmful for health.

Which diseases are at risk from ultra processed foods?

A team of researchers from the US, France, Australia and Ireland found that eating high ultra-processed foods increases the risk of heart disease-related death by 48-53 percent. Due to this, the risk of stress and mental disorders increases by about 12 percent. This research by BMJ found that eating more ultra-processed foods increases the risk of death by 21 percent. By eating these, the risk of death from heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes also increases by 40-66 percent. Problems of sleep and depression increase by 22 percent.

How to Identify Ultra Processed Food

Ultra processed foods are those foods which are not usually prepared in the home kitchen. For example, if curd is made from milk then there is no problem, but if curd is made from milk in a big factory and color, flavour, sugar or corn syrup is added to make it tasty, then it is called ultra processed food. According to WHO, carbonated cold drinks, sweets, salty snacks, ready-to-eat meat, cheese, pasta, pizza, fish, sausages, candy, packaged bread, biscuits, pastries, cakes, fruit yogurt, burgers, hot dogs, instant soups. And instant noodles come under ultra processed foods.

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