Monday, July 8, 2024
HomeHealthNow sugar will be checked by breathing, there will be no need...

Now sugar will be checked by breathing, there will be no need to give blood sample from finger.

Blood Sugar Monitor: Diabetes is a rapidly growing problem today. According to WHO, 422 million people across the world are affected by diabetes. Diabetes patients have to test their blood sugar several times a day. For this, they have to take a blood sample by pricking a needle in their finger, which also causes a lot of pain. To reduce this pain, a device is coming with the help of which your blood sugar level will be checked by your breath itself (Blood Sugar Monitor). Its name is e-nose, which can check the glucose level through breath. It is cheap and gives good results. A study published in the IEEE Sensors Journal on June 7, 2022 describes e-Nose.

How does e-Nose work?

E-nose is a device that can detect and analyze chemicals in the air in real time. Due to which one gets to know about the substance present in the hand. This device is being designed for many types of work. Which includes smelling good whiskey, monitoring crops and detecting lung cancer.

What do researchers say?

Qiliang Li, electrical and computer engineering professor at George Mason University, has created such a device. He says that glucose does not come out with breath but the concentration of acetone and other ketones during exhalation is linked to human metabolic conditions including diabetes. Lee said, ‘To reduce the pain and risk of diabetic patients, we have developed e-Nose, a safe, painless, inexpensive and frequent blood sugar testing device, which can identify the smell of exhaled breath. Designed to. Which contains a certain level of acetone and other ketones. This smell is an indicator of glucose level in the blood.

How accurate is the e-nose?

The e-nose created by Qiliang Li’s team includes 12 different chemical sensors and a microprocessor. When the e-nose smells exhaled breath, the chemical sensors will send electrical reactions to the microprocessor, which processes them digitally. Dr. Jiangdong Zhou, professor of respiratory department of China Medical University, said that ‘e-nose will give accurate information about glucose level by analyzing digital information with the database.’

How was the e-nose tested?

In this study, breath samples along with glucose levels were collected from 41 people and the data was used to improve the e-nose with a series of machine-learning algorithms. Its results found that this breath had 90.4% accuracy and an average error of 0.69 millimoles per liter in blood sugar level. Lee told that this system does not directly check the glucose level from the blood. It has many benefits. This will reduce pain and expenses will also reduce. It has been designed to provide accurate information about glucose level in diabetic patients.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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