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HomeHealthAre utensils and toys made from recycled plastic not safe for health,...

Are utensils and toys made from recycled plastic not safe for health, know how much harm can be done?

Recycled Plastic Side Effects: Along with steel, brass, plastic utensils may also be used in your kitchen. Plastic items are present in every house, even many children’s toys are made of plastic. If seen, the use of plastic and especially recycled plastic has increased significantly in the last few decades. These are cheap and affordable but they have a very bad effect on health. A recent research has claimed that things made from recycled plastic in India can be very dangerous for health because the chemicals mixed in them are increasing the risk of health hazards. Let us know about this.

What does research say?

As part of a research, researchers collected samples of utensils and toys from recycling units in the markets of Delhi. Let us tell you that after the study, it has been found that these utensils and toys contained many poisonous chemicals which can cause health risks. In this study, it has been told that many types of chemicals like single-chain chlorinated paraffin cadmium, nonylphenol, high level DEHP have been found in toys made of recycled plastic. All these chemicals can badly affect health.

Increase the risk of these diseases

Apart from this, recycled utensils used in the kitchen like water bottles, spice boxes, casseroles etc. were also found to contain dangerous chemicals. Let us tell you that the chemicals found in these things made of recycled plastic like single-chain chlorinated paraffin etc. The risk of serious diseases like cancer increases. Along with this, the chemicals found in them like phthalates, chlorinated paraffin, heavy metals, bisphenol A and nonylphenol etc. have been found responsible for respiratory diseases and skin related diseases. These chemicals, along with increasing the risk of pregnancy, also have the power to damage the reproductive system and DNA. When utensils made of recycled plastic come in contact with hot things, they release toxic reactions which cause a lot of harm.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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