Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeHealthWhich water is beneficial for bathing, know the opinion of health expert

Which water is beneficial for bathing, know the opinion of health expert

We take bath every day but have you ever wondered whether bathing with cold or hot water is more beneficial for our healthy lifestyle. It is very important to take bath every day to keep the body clean. Taking bath also keeps your health good. But have you ever wondered which water, cold or hot, is perfect for bathing? For your information, let us tell you that bathing daily also helps in fighting diseases like depression, anxiety and stress. It is very important to take bath every day for mental concentration. Some people always like to take bath with lukewarm water while some people prefer to take bath with cold water. Some people choose water according to the weather. For example, if it is hot then one should take bath with cold water and if it is cold then one should take bath with hot water.

Cold or hot, which water is more beneficial for bathing?

Which water is more beneficial, cold or hot? Let’s find out

Bathing with cold water removes laziness and energy is felt in the whole body. 

Provides relief from depression. 

Lungs function properly. At the same time immunity improves. Due to which the risk of infection is reduced.

Benefits of bathing with hot water

Bathing with hot water cleans the body well. 

Improves muscle pain and provides relief to throat. 

Sugar level in blood remains under control. Which reduces the risk of diabetes. 

Bathing with hot water is more beneficial in cough and cold. 

Choose the type of water using these special tricks 

Children or elderly people are advised to take bath with hot water. 

Choose water according to your body. If your body type is Pitta then use cold water for bathing and if you have problem of excessive phlegm then use hot water. 

If you are suffering from indigestion or liver disorder, then take bath with cold water, whereas if you are suffering from vata related disorder, then take bath with hot water. 

If you work out, take bath with hot water

If you have a habit of taking bath early in the morning then take bath with cold water whereas if you take bath at night then take bath with hot water. 

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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