Thursday, July 4, 2024
HomeHealthDue to lack of nutrients in food, kidneys will get damaged, the...

Due to lack of nutrients in food, kidneys will get damaged, the risk is increasing in women more than in men.

Kidney Problem: To stay healthy, a balanced lifestyle along with a nutritious diet has always been advocated. Health experts also believe that your food plate should contain protein and iron along with other nutrients. But when most people think of nutrients, they first take the names of protein, iron and calcium. That is why other nutrients essential for the body like sodium, potassium, phosphorus are becoming deficient in people’s diet and this is directly affecting their kidneys.

Study revealed dietary imbalance

A recent study has revealed that the nutrients in the plates of people in North India are either less than required or more than required. Due to this imbalance of nutrients in the plate, high blood pressure, heart disease and kidney disease are rapidly affecting people. Let us tell you that George Institute for Global Health India and PGI Chandigarh recently conducted a composite study under which the health of more than four hundred people of North India was focused. In this study, people’s food and plate were monitored at both times.

What does the study say?

In this study, it has been said that in the plates of people of North India, nutrients like sodium, potassium and protein were either in large quantity or in very less quantity. The study said that people in North India are consuming excessive sodium and phosphorus and there is very less amount of potassium and protein in their diet, due to which not only heart disease but also kidney is being adversely affected. Let us tell you that potassium has great importance in keeping the heart healthy. At the same time, taking sodium in excess increases the risk of high BP and heart.

Heart and kidney diseases increased

This study included those people who were in the initial stages of kidney disease. Along with their diet, their urine samples were also taken and it was found that most of the people were consuming excess sodium and phosphorus. The diet of these people was very low in potassium and protein. This imbalance of nutrients increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and many types of non-viral diseases including chronic kidney disease. In such a situation, health experts say that the risk of these diseases can be reduced by reducing salt intake and increasing the intake of potassium and protein in your diet.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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