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HomeHealthEpilepsy is a big social curse for girls and women, millions of...

Epilepsy is a big social curse for girls and women, millions of its patients around the world.

Epilepsy, which is also colloquially called epilepsy, is a condition in which people suffer from seizures, get stiffness in their hands and legs and lose consciousness. In this situation foam starts coming from the mouth. But, epilepsy is not just one type of seizure but patients have many different types of seizures. They also come under epilepsy. However, epilepsy is not an infectious disease. There is no fixed age for epilepsy, but this problem is mostly seen in the younger generation. Epilepsy is becoming a very serious problem in today’s time. Epilepsy is a problem that can occur due to many reasons, which is also called a neurological disorder, which can also be genetic or triggered by many other reasons.

This disease is prevalent in countries all over the world and its patients are in significant numbers. It is not that epilepsy patients are only in developing countries and not in developed countries, but it is present in all countries. Many people do not recognize epilepsy. Some people in the villages start considering it to be the effect of upper winds and then start treating it accordingly.

Today, epilepsy can be treated very well. But, it is important for people to understand that epilepsy is like other common diseases, in which the brain stops working normally for some time.

Epilepsy is like other diseases

A lot of information is transmitted inside the brain, a lot of electrical activity takes place, in such a situation, when epilepsy occurs, the activity in the brain stops for a few seconds. Just like there is heart related disease, in the same way epilepsy is a brain related disease, in which people are not able to completely control their brain. When the epileptic attack ends, the patient returns to his normal state again.

Epilepsy occurs due to a malfunction inside the brain or due to problems in the brain. Epilepsy may occur in patients with brain tumors. Apart from this, some people may have epileptic seizures due to loss of blood after paralysis. In some people, swelling inside the brain, bleeding after injury, all these reasons also cause epileptic seizures.

Reasons for epilepsy:

– head injury
– Problems with blood clotting in the brain
– Development of tumor in the brain
– bleeding in the brain

One thing is also that those who have a genetic disease, despite everything being normal, they keep having epileptic seizures from time to time. Epilepsy also occurs according to different ages. Apart from this, there are many other types of epilepsy, due to the malfunction of which epilepsy effects occur inside the brain. Its cases may come to light during city scan or MRI examination.

Problems faced by girls when they have epilepsy:

Girls may face many problems due to epileptic seizures, such as problems during pregnancy or problems while breastfeeding the child. Sometimes it can even affect the child. The problem of epilepsy can be genetic, but it is not necessary that the disease is passed on to the children of pregnant women who suffer from epilepsy, some children may have this problem.

Girls having epilepsy problem usually face problems at the time of marriage, in which it is seen that sometimes after finding out about the girl’s epilepsy problem, she is not able to get married or without informing the family about the problem. Let’s get the girl married. Due to this they have to face many problems. If there is mutual consent between the families of the girl and the boy and both parties share everything with each other, then definitely there will be no problem in their marriage.

epilepsy treatment

The problem of epilepsy is similar to that in case of thyroid, one has to always take its medicine, in the same way, epilepsy attack can be avoided by taking the medicine for epilepsy on time. There is still no specific treatment available to completely cure epilepsy, although it can be controlled by taking medicines on time and getting good sleep. For this, you should keep in touch with the doctor from time to time so that you get the right treatment.

A question also arises whether its complete treatment is possible? Actually, epilepsy occurs due to infection inside the brain. But, if this infection is treated properly then its patients get cured. Many times it is also seen that in genetic cases, there is no defect inside the brain and when the child grows up, epilepsy goes away automatically with increasing age.

[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. यह ज़रूरी नहीं है कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ़ लेखक ही ज़िम्मेदार हैं.]


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