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HomeHealthHave you also eaten too many sweets on Diwali, this is how...

Have you also eaten too many sweets on Diwali, this is how you can know if diabetes has increased.

Who does not like sweet food? Moreover, if it is the festival of Diwali, then eating sweets is a must. But as we all know, eating sweets has dangerous effects on our body. There is no doubt that sugar works to enhance taste. But excess sugar is very harmful for health. Whenever the immunity level of the body decreases, the body gradually starts becoming unhealthy from inside. Due to which many types of health problems occur.

These signs start appearing on the body due to eating too much sugar

Consuming too much sugar causes the body’s immunity to weaken. And then your body starts becoming unhealthy inside. Due to which many types of health problems start occurring. Excessive amount of sugar in the body can cause blood pressure and swelling. If the body does not get proper nutrition then wrinkles can be clearly visible on your skin. With the loss of collagen and elastin in the skin, the skin starts becoming loose. If you want to avoid all this, then you should recognize the 7 signs of your body through which you will know that you are eating too much sugar.

high bp
Blood pressure of 120/80 or less is considered normal. Not only salt but sugar can also increase your blood pressure. Controlling sugar intake is more important for healthy blood pressure than taking sodium injections.

gaining weight
More sugar means more calories, and because it doesn’t contain protein or fiber, it won’t keep you full for long. Apart from this, excess sugar increases the amount of insulin in your body, due to which fat starts accumulating in your stomach instead of elsewhere.

having low energy
Increased amounts of sugar in your diet can cause your energy levels to drop, as most sugar-rich foods lack nutrition.

If you are struggling with acne, wrinkles and other skin problems, it is important to consider how much sugar you are consuming. Excessive sugar consumption triggers androgen levels which leads to acne.

craving for sweets
This is because sugar-rich foods are addictive. This means that they can become habit forming. So the more sugar you eat, the more you will crave it.

joint pain
According to some studies, excess sugar causes inflammation, which can lead to arthritis in women. So joint pain is also one of the side effects of excess sugar consumption.

sleep problems
Eating sweet food especially at night increases the energy level in the body, while at that time attention should be paid to preparing the body for rest. According to a report published in the ‘American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine’ in August 2019, eating too much sugar impairs sleep. Once you notice these symptoms, it is time to make changes in your diet. Adopt healthy eating habits and improve your way of life.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Also read: Global Handwashing Day: Know the correct way to wash hands, otherwise you will become a victim of serious disease.

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