Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeHealthIf you are troubled by throat infection and swelling in the changing...

If you are troubled by throat infection and swelling in the changing weather, then follow these tips, you will get instant relief.

The cold has subsided but it is still cold. Not only this, due to sunlight during day and cold at night, most of the people are falling victim to cold and cough. In the changing weather, throat infection and pain are making people miserable. There is a problem of pain and swelling in the throat during cold weather, especially in the morning. Doctors attribute this to infections caused by changing weather. Many times it happens that people drink water after coming out of the sun, due to which this problem starts. Due to sore throat, pain and swelling, there are many problems in speaking, eating and drinking water. Today we are going to tell you some special solutions through this article. 

These are some home tricks with the help of which you can get rid of the problem related to your throat. /p>

Gargle by mixing salt in water

If you want to get rid of sore throat, then the easiest solution is to gargle by mixing salt in water. Salt contains antibacterial which provides relief from the problem of sore throat. Take a glass of lukewarm water and mix salt in it. Then gargle well with that water. 

Turmeric milk

Turmeric milk has many medicinal properties which help in relieving sore throat. It is good to get relief. Therefore, heat milk and add turmeric to it. Then drink it at night, this will provide relief from swelling and pain in the throat. Chamomile tea has abundant medicinal properties. Are there. Drinking this cures throat infection and soreness. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties which cures inflammation of eyes, nose and throat. 

Take steam

If sore throat If there is too much swelling then there may be difficulty in speaking. So keep taking steam. Taking steam removes the blocks in the name and throat. Also blood circulation improves. Keep taking steam 3-4 times throughout the day. 

Also read: These 3 kitchen spices are not a boon for health, eat them together and get rid of these diseases.


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