Saturday, July 6, 2024
HomeHealthIf you want some light and healthy breakfast after the party, then...

If you want some light and healthy breakfast after the party, then try this recipe, it will be ready in no time.

What to eat in breakfast after a party night: It would not be wrong if Christmas and New Year are called party season. During this time, people have massive get-togethers, parties, outings and this sequence continues for many days. It is obvious that when there will be a celebration, there will be a lot of fun and drinks. In such a situation, these parties often become costly for their mischief. To maintain health, it is important to return to a healthy routine as soon as possible after the party. Today let us know some breakfast options which can be taken the next day of the party.

Hydration is important

If you have partied till late night and also consumed drinks, then there are high chances of your body getting dehydrated the next day. Even if you haven’t drank, take full care of hydration. Start the next day with lukewarm water and sip it as comfortably as you can. You can also add lemon or lemon honey in it. You can start the day with coconut water. Postpone meals a bit and take as much liquid as possible.

juice will help

After a night’s party, you can take vegetable juice the next day to detoxify the body and give comfort to the digestive system. Do not take fruit juices as they contain sugar which will again harm you. Take juice of any vegetable or juice of some vegetables mixed together. You can take pumpkin juice, carrot or beetroot juice.

eat light

Eat lightly the next day. Soup can be a great option. It will be light on the stomach and will also give energy to your body. Take vegetable soup and drink it comfortably. Another option could be porridge. From mixed grains porridge to millet porridge, you can choose according to the season. Add seasonal vegetables to these and eat with gusto.

Oatmeal and idli-dosa are great options

You can take oatmeal the next day. Do not add sugar in it and keep it simple. Its fiber will be beneficial for your stomach. If you are craving for something Indian and filling then you can have Idli and Dosa. Remember that idli should be made of rava as it is light and dosa should be paper or neer dosa. Do not eat heavy dosa or idli with filling. Avoid sambar and eat only chutney.

Avoid refined food

Along with what to eat, it is also important to know what not to eat. Do not eat refined food and packaged food at all. You may eat a combination of pulses, rice and ghee or eat khichdi, but the food should be home-made and fresh. Never take flour, sugar, oily, deep fried, packaged food. These increase sugar levels and cause harm to the stomach.

Try this option also

You can have whole wheat toast plus egg. You can take steamed vegetables. You can take lapsi, khichdi, buttermilk. Along with this, you can also take boiled potatoes, banana, beans, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds. Just keep in mind that whatever you eat should neither be heavy nor contain a lot of chilli and spice. Eat simple, plain and light food. Do not take tea or coffee at all.

Also read: Make this healthy version of cookies for Christmas

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