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HomeHealthKnow when radish should be eaten in winter and when not... What...

Know when radish should be eaten in winter and when not… What does Ayurveda say?

Radish Ayurvedic Tips: In winter, radish benefits health in many ways. Eating this strengthens immunity and problems like cold and cough can be avoided. Radish is very tasty and beneficial but it can also be harmful for some people. This is because many people do not know the right time to eat radish. Some important things have been told about radish in Ayurveda. Let us know about them…

How beneficial is radish?

Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, riboflavin, niacin, folate, potassium, iron, manganese, fiber and sugar are found in good quantities in radish. This is the reason why eating radish is considered beneficial in cold weather. By consuming it, anemia can be cured and weight is also controlled.

Disadvantages of eating radish

It is said in Ayurveda that radish has a hot nature. Therefore, people who do not have proper appetite should avoid eating radish. Because in such a situation gastric problems can increase. According to experts, if someone’s stomach becomes dry then he should also not eat radish. People who have gas problems can eat radish with ghee. One should avoid eating raw radish, otherwise many types of problems may increase.

When should radish be eaten?

According to experts, radish should never be consumed on an empty stomach. One should avoid eating radish even at night. If you want to take better advantage of radish, then you should always consume it during winters only. Eating radish while sitting in the sun can be beneficial. This means it may be best to eat radish in the afternoon.

Pay attention before eating radish

Eat radish along with other raw vegetables.

Avoid eating overripe radish.

Never eat radish while sitting at one place. Radish gets digested well by moving.

One should not drink milk after eating radish.

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