Thursday, June 27, 2024
HomeHealthNow eye cancer will be eradicated in 30 minutes, AIIMS started treatment...

Now eye cancer will be eradicated in 30 minutes, AIIMS started treatment with Gamma Knife radiotherapy

Cancer disease has now become common. There are many types of cancer, one of them is melanoma cancer which is common in eye cancer. The team of doctors is now making continuous efforts to find ways to get rid of these diseases. One such news has been received from AIIMS Hospital, Delhi. Where a study found that with the help of Gamma Knife surgery, the eyesight of patients suffering from eye cancer can now be saved. 

What is this eye cancer

I There are many types of cancer, the biggest one being melanoma cancer. This cancer affects the cells found in the eyes. Cancer found in the eyeball is called intraocular cancer. It has many symptoms, the initial symptoms of which are – blurred vision, inability to see in one eye, pain in the eyes, feeling of restlessness, etc. 

Doctors made this claim

According to experts, choroidal melanoma is the salt cancer in the eyes. Whose complaint is mostly seen in adults. But there are some cases in which even 40 year old patients have been seen. Let us tell you that eye cancer can now be easily treated through Gamma Knife. This is a special radiotherapy, which does not require surgery. It is being claimed that this treatment will be done through Gamma Knife only in AIIMS in the country. The fee for this treatment is said to be Rs 75 thousand. After this fee, entire life long follow up will be free. Not only this, Ayushman Bharat and BPL patients are getting free treatment here.

What is Gamma Knife

Gamma Knife is a machine, which is like an MRI machine. With the help of this machine, eye cancer can now be treated without making any incision in the eyes, just by applying a stitch. Many times, during the treatment of eye cancer, the patient lost his eyesight, but now through this therapy the eyesight can be saved, that too without any surgery. This technique detects and kills the tumor with 200 rays from the patient’s eyes. Patients will get a lot of relief with this technique. Let us tell you that in this therapy the treatment is completed in just half an hour. 

Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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