Monday, July 8, 2024
HomeHealthNow there will be no problem at all in winter... you just...

Now there will be no problem at all in winter… you just have to keep these 7 things in your bag.

Winter Tips: To make winter more pleasant, every woman should carry these 7 things in her bag, which can fulfill her minor needs and save her from problems occurring in winter.


The skin becomes very dry in winter, in such a situation applying moisturizing cream just once will not help. Therefore, you must carry a small moisturizer in your bag and whenever you feel dryness in your hands, feet or any other part of the body, use moisturizing cream.

Lip Balm:

Lips are the most delicate part of our body and cold has the most effect on it. They start bursting in winter. In such a situation, you must keep a good lip balm or Vaseline in your bag and keep applying it on your lips from time to time.

Stripsills or Vicks tablets:

Sore throat is also common during the winter season. In such a situation, to avoid this, keep Stripsils or Vicks in your bag to relieve sore throat and keep sucking it from time to time when you need it.

Tissue Paper:

Sneezing or coughing is normal during the winter season. In such a situation, instead of handkerchief, keep tissue paper with you and use it while sneezing or coughing and throw it away after use.


Even though the sun’s rays do not sting so much during the winter season, its UV rays can have a negative effect on the skin. In such a situation, you must carry sunscreen in your bag and keep applying it on your screen after every 3 to 4 hours.

thermos bottle:

You must carry a small water bottle in your bag. Especially during winter days, keep such a bottle in your bag which keeps water warm for a long time. Put hot water in it and consume it.


The weather changes at any time during the winter season and the temperature drops. In such a situation, you must keep a woolen scarf with you and whenever you need it, wrap it around your neck or tie it in your ears to stay safe from cold.

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