Monday, July 8, 2024
HomeHealthPolished or Unpolished Rice, which one is more healthy and better?

Polished or Unpolished Rice, which one is more healthy and better?

Often we hear from home and around that if you are thinking of losing weight then stop eating rice. Today we will get to the bottom of the truth about whether it really happens that not eating rice leads to weight loss? Many researches have revealed that if you want to lose weight then you should eat unpolished rice. Because polished rice has high glycemic index. Which can prove dangerous for diabetic patients. Therefore, diabetic patients should not eat white rice.

White rice contains a lot of carbohydrates

Many health experts believe that instead of polished rice, you can eat brown rice, black or red rice. Actually, it is believed that during processing in the factory, all the minerals and vitamins of polished rice are lost. Only carbohydrates and starch remain in it. Which is very unhealthy. Whereas brown and black and red rice contain all the nutrients. It does not pass through any chemical process.

What is special in polished rice?

White polished rice has a very high glycemic index. Which proves to be very harmful for a diabetic patient. Whereas unpolished rice contains plenty of fiber which is very good for digestion. Also, the stomach feels full after eating it. Due to which you avoid over eating. If you eat polished rice, it does not fill your stomach quickly and due to this you have to eat more and then your weight starts increasing.

unpolished rice

Polished rice is ground in the factory. Due to which the layer above it is removed. Which is rich in fiber and nutrition. After grinding the glycemic index of rice also becomes higher. This is the reason why diabetic patients are prohibited from eating white rice. Unpolished rice is rich in fibre, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It gives a balanced diet to the body, in which carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats and vitamins are found in abundance.

Also read: If you eat walnuts on an empty stomach every morning, it has some effect on the body.

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