Saturday, July 6, 2024
HomeHealthTalk to your child a lot after sleeping, attachment will increase, bonding...

Talk to your child a lot after sleeping, attachment will increase, bonding will become strong, know what is this sleep talk therapy.

Sleep Talk TherapyNowadays, due to lack of joint family and children not living with their parents, a lot of changes are taking place in the children. Children are becoming self-centric and their emotional attachment is also decreasing. In such situations, children start getting separated from the family. If you also want to keep your children emotionally connected to you and want to teach them values, then you can take the help of Sleep Talk Therapy. Let us know about this therapy…

What is sleep talk therapy

According to experts, sleep talk therapy is designed only for children between 2 to 12 years. In this therapy, parents can talk to the sleeping child. For a short period of time the child remains in the conscious mind only. He remains half asleep and half awake. In such a situation, it is worth listening and understanding your words. At such times, when you express your views, he listens to you without any interference and also reacts to it. This is the time when you can connect with her emotionally by sharing your feelings with her.

How effective is sleep talk therapy?

According to pediatricians, sleep talk therapy is very effective on children, because the child’s brain is completely active at this time. Whatever you say to him, he listens to it better and also reacts properly. You can express your love by talking to her for some time after sleeping. This therapy is also considered good for the mental health of children.

What are the benefits of sleep talk therapy?

1. The child becomes emotionally strong and there is a change in behavior also.

2. Children’s concentration increases and they perform well in studies.

3. Children are mentally strong.

4. Without fear, children take their own decisions in a better way.

5. Children connect emotionally with their parents and give them love and respect. This also strengthens the relationship.

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