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HomeHealthThese five symptoms indicate mental health in women, never ignore them

These five symptoms indicate mental health in women, never ignore them

Poor Mental Health Symptoms: For a healthy life, it is very important for the body as well as the mind to be healthy. But in today’s busy life, we often fail to take care of our health. Women especially are so engrossed in their office responsibilities and household responsibilities that they do not get a chance to take care of themselves. Many times women face mental problems but they are not aware of it. She ignores any kind of changes taking place in the body, in such a situation we are telling you some signs which show that you are suffering from mental problems…

not concentrating on anything
Trouble concentrating is usually a sign of problems like mental stress. When our mind is full of worry, stress or negative thoughts, it finds it difficult to concentrate on any one task. work or other activities If the problem of constant distraction persists for days or weeks, then it can also be a sign of a serious psychological problem.

put things away and forget them
Generally, we all sometimes have the problem of forgetting things after keeping them. But if this habit starts happening more often, then there is a need to be careful because it can be a sign of some psychological problem. In medical language, it is called ‘short term memory loss’. In some cases, this may be due to normal reasons like increasing age or fatigue, but sometimes it is also a sign of serious conditions like stress, depression or Alzheimer’s.

insomnia at night
Sometimes not being able to sleep comfortably can be a sign of a serious problem, which should not be taken lightly. Sometimes it is normal to feel a little restless or lose sleep, but if you have trouble sleeping every night or are unable to sleep again after opening your eyes, then it is a sign of poor mental health.

feeling constantly tired
It is very important to feel energetic to remain physically and mentally active. But if persistent fatigue persists even after taking adequate rest, then it could be a mental health problem.

change in eating habits
Overeating or eating too little are also symptoms of poor mental health, if this is happening to you. So it should not be ignored.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Also read: Women should never ignore these 10 signs, the risk of cancer may increase.

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