Saturday, July 6, 2024
HomeHealthThis is the right way to eat curd in summer, it will...

This is the right way to eat curd in summer, it will not harm your health.

How To Eat Curd In Summer: There can be nothing better than curd to keep the stomach cool during the summer season. You can eat buttermilk or sweet lassi curd in any form. But some people may face some problems by eating curd even in summer. Such as pimples, allergies, digestive problems, feeling of heat in the body etc. Since childhood, we have been hearing that curd has a cooling effect and eating it keeps the body cool. But if you eat curd directly, then know the right way to eat it.

The nature of curd is hot

According to the news published in ‘Only My Health’, eating curd is beneficial in summer, but if you eat too much curd, it can prove to be harmful for the body. Because the effect of curd is not cold but hot. Since childhood we know that its nature is cold but according to Ayurveda its nature is hot. This is the reason why some people’s body heat increases when they eat curd in summer. Due to this, one gets relief from problems like pimples and acne on the face.

The right way to eat curd in summer

Lassi and buttermilk or curd can be used comfortably in summer. According to many researches, when you add water to curd. So the quality of curd becomes balanced. It reduces heat. Therefore, if you eat curd in summer, always eat it by mixing water in it. Or eat it after beating it well. This provides coolness to the body. Besides, health gets many benefits.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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