Wednesday, July 3, 2024
HomeHealthWhite spots start appearing on the body due to B12 deficiency, research...

White spots start appearing on the body due to B12 deficiency, research revealed

These days, due to poor lifestyle and eating habits, most of the people in the country and the world are suffering from many types of serious diseases. In this modern lifestyle, due to lack of time, people are depending more and more on outside food. Due to which a large amount of junk and oily food is eaten. What happens in such a situation is that due to eating outside food, there is deficiency of many types of vitamins and nutrients in the body. One of these vitamins is B12. If there is a deficiency of B12 in any person’s body, then many types of diseases can make him a victim. But do you know that white spots can also occur due to deficiency of B12 in the body. Yes, you heard it right, deficiency of this vitamin can cause many skin related diseases. White spots on the skin are called vitiligo. This disease can be caused by deficiency of B12 in the body. Vitiligo is the opposite of hyperpigmentation. Vitiligo occurs when there is a deficiency of melanin in the body. Due to which white spots start appearing on the body. Vitiligo often occurs more in those parts of the body on which the sun’s rays fall directly. Such as skin, hands, feet and neck.

Problem of infertility

It has also been revealed in many researches that due to deficiency of Vitamin B12, The reason can be the problem of infertility in both men and women. 

Anemia disease

Vitamin B12 is needed in the body for our nervous system. it occurs. If you are a vegetarian and do not take extra supplements then you may face problems. Its deficiency can cause anemia. You can become a victim of anemia. 

How can you compensate for its deficiency

Eggs, Make milk, curd, bananas, almonds, tomatoes, tofu, sprouts, mushrooms, fish and meat a part of your diet. If there is excessive deficiency then consult a doctor.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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