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HomeHealthWhy do heart attacks occur more in the morning? What is...

Why do heart attacks occur more in the morning? What is the reason behind this

It has been proved in a research that heart attacks occurring between 6 am and noon are the most dangerous. It has been proven in research that most heart attacks occur in the morning. Recently a research has been done in Spain in which it has been proved that heart attacks often occur in the morning.  Heart attacks occurring between 6 am to noon are most dangerous.

‘Cardiovascular Physiological’

According to experts, if a heart attack occurs at this time, about 20 percent of it gets converted into dead tissue. This affects that person the most. This rarely happens if a heart attack occurs at any other time of the day. ‘Cardiovascular physiological’ processes then occur more. When a person is awake from sleep. Myocardial infarction or heart attack occurs when the coronary artery gets blocked. Due to lack of oxygen, a part of the heart tissue dies and does not function. 

Big role of Circadian Rhythm

Heart attack occurs due to internal blockage of the circadian system. It works to regulate problems like sleeping, waking and fatigue. Circadian rhythms cause heart attacks and strokes in the morning. Circulate within a 24 hour cycle. Circadian rhythms regulate psychological parameters. 

Difference between heart attack and cardiac arrest
1. There is a lot of difference between cardiac arrest and heart attack. Heart attack occurs when blood does not reach the heart, but in cardiac arrest the heart suddenly stops working.
2. When blood flow in the arteries stops or ends, that part of the heart starts dying due to lack of oxygen. On the other hand, in cardiac arrest the heart suddenly stops beating. Anything can happen when this happens.

Symptoms of cardiac arrest
1. There are no symptoms at all in cardiac arrest, it always comes suddenly.
2. Whenever a patient falls, it is due to cardiac arrest, there are many ways to identify it.
3. Whenever the patient falls, no reaction is found after patting his back and shoulders.
4. The patient’s heartbeat suddenly becomes very fast and he is unable to breathe normally. 
5. Pulse and blood pressure stops.
6. In such a situation, blood does not reach the brain and other parts of the body.

Cardiac arrest or heart attack, which is more dangerous?
If we talk about the more dangerous of the two, then it is cardiac arrest. Because no symptoms are visible in it. Whereas signs of heart attack start appearing 48 to 24 hours in advance. In a heart attack, the patient gets a chance to recover and save his life. Whereas there is no chance in cardiac arrest.
Keep these things in mind to avoid cardiac arrest
1. Do physical activities for one hour daily and do not allow weight gain.
2. Do cardio exercises, like cycling, jogging or play cricket, badminton and football.
3. Stay away from junk food as much as possible and eat fruits and sprouted grains.
4. Be sure to include salad in your meal. Also include high fiber vegetables, proteins and pulses. 
5. Avoid eating a full meal and do not remain hungry for too long.
6. Sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning.
7. Avoid mobile and TV as much as possible.
8. Try to avoid stress and loneliness.
9. Start checking cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes after 30 years.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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