Sunday, July 7, 2024
HomeHealthWhy does cervical pain increase in winter? Know the way to...

Why does cervical pain increase in winter? Know the way to avoid it and its treatment

Cervical problems increase more in winter than in other seasons. For some people it becomes so dangerous that even getting up and sitting becomes difficult. Most people do not understand why this problem increases in winter. So let us tell you today. People who sit for a long time, the problem of cervical pain increases due to poor blood circulation. Along with this, due to sudden drop in temperature, body pain and muscle problems also occur. The problem of cervical pain can occur due to many reasons. 

Why does cervical pain increase in winter

Cervical pain increases in some people during winter because the physical activity in cold season is less as compared to other seasons. At the same time blood circulation starts slowing down. Due to which many problems occur. Due to falling temperature and stiffness in muscles, problems start occurring and pain starts increasing.  Cervical pain gets triggered due to cold air. Due to which the muscles start contracting. Due to which blood circulation gets spoiled. There is contraction in the muscles and pain in the neck. Due to this, cervical pain starts. 

How to avoid cervical pain in winter

If you want to avoid the pain of cervical pain in winter, then do light exercise. Physical activity is very important during this period. So that the body remains warm. If blood circulation is fine then your cervical pain will also be fine. To avoid this, eat jaggery and celery mixed. This will maintain heat in the body.  To avoid severe pain, you have to keep your body as active as possible.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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