Saturday, July 6, 2024
HomeHealthWomen often get this disease, be careful as soon as symptoms appear.

Women often get this disease, be careful as soon as symptoms appear.

Nowadays, due to bad lifestyle and eating habits, women are becoming victims of many diseases. Nowadays many such diseases are happening which are not even noticed and they spread completely in the body. There are many diseases which occur only in women. And they don’t even know. Today we will talk about those silent killers which keep increasing in the body of women. Initially its symptoms are not visible but later this disease increases so much that it is very difficult to ignore it.


Anemia occurs due to lack of blood in the body. Indian women often become victims of anemia. If a woman is anemic then there is a lack of oxygen in her body. This is a disease that often occurs in women. If you want to avoid anemia then you should eat food rich in iron, vitamin C and folate. If a woman becomes victim of this disease, then fatigue, yellowing of the skin, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, dizziness, and rapid heartbeat occur. To avoid this disease, one should include plenty of iron in the diet such as leafy vegetables, organ meats etc.


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) or Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) This disease often occurs due to hormonal imbalance. In this disease the metabolism of women becomes weak. Which has a direct impact on the entire cycle of periods. In this, periods come intermittently. Due to which hair fall also becomes excessive. A lot of pimples start coming out. Along with this, obesity starts increasing. Obesity can be considered the cause of PCOD. In this disease, sugar and refined sugar should not be eaten at all and one should stay away from processed food. In this disease whole grains and legumes should be eaten. In case of PCOD, women are not able to get pregnant quickly.


At a certain stage of age, women have to go through menopause. This is a process in which women’s periods stop. Women have to go through this phase between 42-45 years of age. During menopause, the female hormone i.e. estrogen starts decreasing in the body. The risk of heart disease also increases.

weakening of bones

After pregnancy, women’s body starts becoming weak. During this period the body needs calcium. In such a situation, you need to do regular exercise. To get calcium with milk, you should sit in the sun.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Also read: Ginger Health Risk: Excessive use of ginger can cause these problems in the body.

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