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HomeLifestyle NewsAre you troubled by flaky dandruff? Adopt these 3 home remedies...

Are you troubled by flaky dandruff? Adopt these 3 home remedies without wasting time

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Home remedies for dandruff: The problem of dandruff is more troublesome in winter than during other days. Actually, there are many reasons behind this. Washing hair with hot water in winter or not washing hair for a long time causes flaky dandruff. Not only this, not oiling the hair and allowing dirt to accumulate due to moisture also causes scaly dandruff. What happens in this is that dandruff occurs in the hair, then it gets cured and after that it comes again. Thus this situation persists continuously. So, in such a situation, adopting these natural remedies (Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally) can work for you.

Home remedies for scaly dandruff-How to get rid of dandruff on scalp naturally

1. Baking Soda

You can use baking soda effectively in scaly dandruff. It actually acts as an exfoliant and helps clean the scalp. Not only this, it cleans dead cells from the scalp and prevents the spread of scalp infection. Apart from this, its antibacterial and antiviral properties are helpful in completely eliminating dandruff. So, mix baking soda in water, apply it on the scalp and massage gently. Then wash your hair.

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2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is rich in antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help clear up a flaky scalp. This is an effective remedy and completely eliminates dandruff from the scalp. Apart from this, it also prevents fungus from occurring further. So, just mix some apple cider vinegar in water and apply it on the scalp with the help of cotton. Leave it for a while and shampoo.

acv for dandruff

Image Source : SOCIAL

acv for dandruff

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3. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is the cure for many skin related problems. It is rich in antibacterial and antifungal properties and is helpful in reducing many skin problems. So, it does something similar in dandruff also. It cleanses the scalp and nourishes it from within. It prevents inflammation in the scalp and helps in getting a healthy scalp. So, definitely use aloe vera in case of dandruff.

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