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HomeWorld NewsTughlaqi decree of Taliban for women living without men, imposed this ban...

Tughlaqi decree of Taliban for women living without men, imposed this ban – India TV Hindi

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Tughlaqi decree of Taliban

Afghanistan News: Ever since the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, it has been issuing Tughlaqi orders for the people there, especially the women. In this context, the Taliban have issued a decree for women living alone. The Taliban has said that unaccompanied women, i.e. single women who do not live with their husband or brother, have been banned from traveling and working in medical centers.

According to the report, if a woman does not have a male guardian, then the Taliban government of Afghanistan has banned such women from traveling and their access to medical centers.

The report described an incident in which officials from Afghanistan’s Ministry of Conduct advised a woman to get married if she wanted to continue her job at a health care center. Because it is not right for a woman who is not married to work.

Taliban forgot the promise of liberalism

Ever since the Taliban government came to power in 2021, the bad situation for the women of Afghanistan has started. When Taliban formed the government, it had promised that it would not be like the Taliban of 20 years old, but would be a moderate Taliban. But this is not happening, Taliban continues to issue its decrees against issues related to the freedom and security of people, especially women. Taliban has already issued orders like closing education, sometimes running radio stations, sometimes closing beauty parlors.

UN has also condemned Taliban

The condition of women in Pakistan is becoming deplorable due to restrictions on women from studying after the sixth class, closure of beauty parlors and many rules related to wearing women’s clothes. On this matter, the UN itself has many times condemned Taliban orders. The Taliban arrests women who do not wear hijab. According to the order of 2022, only the eyes of women in hijab should be visible. A similar decree was in force during the previous Taliban regime between 1996 and 2001.

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