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Policemen committed theft in the police station, stole liquor and fans worth Rs 2 lakhs

Policemen committed theft in the police station itself

Lunavada: The job of the police is to catch the thieves and put them in jail, but even if the police themselves become thieves, the safety of the public’s property is still in God’s trust. The latest case is from Mahisagar district of Gujarat, where policemen stole liquor and fans worth about Rs 2 lakh from a police station. After the matter came to light, 5 policemen including an ASI, a head constable have been arrested.

What is the whole matter?

Five policemen, including an ASI, have been booked for stealing liquor bottles and fans worth Rs 1.97 lakh seized from a police station in Mahisagar district of Gujarat. Deputy Superintendent of Police P.S.Valvi said that the liquor bottles and fans were kept in the women’s lockup at Bakor police station in Khanpur taluka.

According to the police officer, ‘Bakor police had seized 482 liquor bottles and 75 table fans from a person. The accused person was trying to smuggle liquor into Gujarat by hiding it behind fan boxes. Since the room designated to keep such items was full, they were kept in the women’s lockup.

Sixth accused absconding

Police said that during cleaning of the lockup, empty and broken boxes of IMFL bottles and fans were found. According to the official, ASI Arvind Khant, head constable Lalit Parmar and three other policemen have been arrested under section 380 (theft) of the Indian Penal Code and other relevant offences.

Valvi said that the sixth accused in the case is absconding, who is a local man and had allegedly helped the accused policemen. (input language)

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